今天在这里给大家分享如何用 Hugo 搭建自己的个人博客




如果你有能力完成 Quick Start | Hugo (gohugo.io) 中的内容,那么你可以跳过本部分内容。

本文面对对 Git 有一定基础知识的读者(搭建仓库、Push 和 Pull 操作)

安装程序的时候最好勾选添加到环境变量选项,如果忘记添加也可以按照 Step4 手动添加

1. Git 安装

Git - Downloads (git-scm.com)

2. Hugo 安装

Windows | Hugo (gohugo.io)

macOS | Hugo (gohugo.io)

3. Go 安装

Download and install - The Go Programming Language

Hugo 是用 Go 语言编写的静态网站生成工具。

4. 添加环境变量

二、创建 Hugo 网站

1. 创建网站

hugo new site site-name(网站名字)

2. 安装主题

Hugo 支持广泛的主题,你可以在Themes当中选取你想要的主题,每个主题的配置方式有些许不同,应该参考主题对应仓库下的说明,但是以下步骤是每个主题搭建都会遵循的步骤。

你可以下载主题的最新版本 .zip 文件 并且解压放到 themes 目录。

另外,也可以直接把这个主题克隆到 themes 目录:

git clone https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder.git themes/hugo-coder

或者,初始化你的项目目录为 git 仓库,并且把主题仓库作为你的网站目录的子模块

git init
git submodule add https://github.com/pseudoyu/hugo-theme-den themes/hugo-theme-den

(PS: Coder主题笔者直接用git clone可以成功,但是den主题只有使用第三种方式的时候才成功,采用前两种方式的时候不会创建.gitmodule文件,后续GitHub Pages在网站时会报错,den 默认使用了gitmodule? 未知 QAQ)

下面以 den 这款主题为例子讲述如何搭建

3. 修改配置文件.toml


# ------------------------------------- #
# ---- General Settings --------------- #
# ------------------------------------- #
baseURL = "https://example.com"
title = "Den"
theme = "hugo-theme-den"
#enableRobotsTXT = true       # generate robots.txt
enableEmoji = true           # use emoji support
hasCJKLanguage = true        # detect CJK languages for word count etc.
preserveTaxonomyNames = true # do not make tag names lowercase
# uglyURLs = true            # more info: https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/#ugly-urls
rssLimit = 20                # limit number of entries in RSS feeds
ignoreErrors = ["error-remote-getjson"]

# Copyright, appears in the footer
# copyright = ""             # default: author.name

# Pagination
# number of entries per page for archives, tags and categories
# since we don't have list view, recommend a large value
paginate = 20
paginatePath = "page"

# Syntax Hightlight
PygmentsCodeFences = true
PygmentsUseClasses = true    # required for shhighlight shortcode

# service plugins
disqusShortname = ""         # disqus_shortname
googleAnalytics = ""         # UA-XXXXXXXX-X

# language support # en / zh-tw / other... translations present in i18n/
defaultContentLanguage = "en"           # Default language to use
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true

# Links format
  posts = "/:year/:month/:day/:slug/"
  categories = "/category/:slug/"      # required
  tags = "/tag/:slug/"                 # required
  pages = "/:slug/"

[author]                     # required
  name = "Jane Doe"

[sitemap]                    # required
  changefreq = "weekly"
  priority = 0.5
  filename = "sitemap.xml"

# ------------------------------------- #
# ---- Other Params ------------------- #
# ------------------------------------- #

  since = "2023"             # Site creation time
  rssFullContent = true      # set true to use full content instead of summary

  # site info (optional)
  keywords = ["Hugo", "theme","den"]
  description = "A simple theme for Hugo"
  logoTitle = "Den" # shown on top-left, default: title
  siteLogoImage = "images/globe.svg"     # shown besides logoTitle
  # headerTitle = "Den"                   # default: title
  headerImage = "images/background.jpg"
  showAuthorCard = true # Whether to show author information below the article

  showMenuLanguages = true

  autoLoadComments = false # auto load comment when scrolling down

  # paginate style, default use numbered pagination links
  # if true, use original "Previous" and "Next" links.
  # paginateOriginalStyle = true

  # The date format to use; for a list of valid formats, see https://gohugo.io/functions/format/
  dateFormatToUse = "2006-01-02"

  google_verification = ""  # Google_Verification

  # Link custom CSS and JS assets
  #   (relative to /static/css and /static/js respectively)
  customCSS = []             # if ['custom.css'], load '/static/css/custom.css' file
  customJS = []              # if ['custom.js'], load '/static/js/custom.js' file

# ------------------------------------- #
# ---- Related Articles --------------- #
# ------------------------------------- #
  # Only include matches with rank >= threshold. This is a normalized rank between 0 and 100.
  threshold = 50

  # To get stable "See also" sections we, by default, exclude newer related pages.
  includeNewer = true

  # Will lower case keywords in both queries and in the indexes.
  toLower = false

  name = "categories"
  weight = 200

  name = "keywords"
  weight = 150

  name = "tags"
  weight = 100

  languageCode = "en"
  languageName = "English"
  contentDir = "content/en"
  weight = 1

    name = "Notes"
    weight = 10
    identifier = "notes"
    url = "category/notes/"
    name = "Demos"
    weight = 20
    identifier = "demos"
    url = "category/demos/"

    name = "GitHub"
    weight = 10
    identifier = "github"
    url = "https://github.com/shaform/hugo-theme-den/"

    name = "About Me"
    weight = 10
    identifier = "about-me"
    url = "https://github.com/shaform/hugo-theme-den/"

  languageCode = "zh-tw"
  languageName = "繁體中文"
  contentDir = "content/zh-tw"
  weight = 2

    description = "一個簡單的佈景。"

    name = "筆記"
    weight = 10
    identifier = "notes"
    url = "category/notes/"
    name = "展示"
    weight = 20
    identifier = "demos"
    url = "category/demos/"

    name = "GitHub"
    weight = 10
    identifier = "github"
    url = "https://github.com/shaform/hugo-theme-den/"

    name = "關於我"
    weight = 10
    identifier = "about-me"
    url = "https://github.com/shaform/hugo-theme-den/"


4. 发布文章


hugo new posts\first-post.md


注意文章开头的 draft 要设置成 false 才可以渲染文章。

5. 在本地启动你的网站


hugo serve


hugo server

去查看 http://localhost:1313.

三、在 GitHub Pages 上面发布你的网站

1. 新建仓库


除了仓库名字格式为 username.github.io 外,不要进行其他设置,因为这样会建立分支,而我们想要的是 push 代码的时候直接创建分支,避免引起冲突。




为博客生成静态文件,文件默认会保存在目录 public\下,GitHub Pages 部署的静态网站正是里面的内容。

3. 修改仓库设置和配置文件

上传之前,我们先到 GitHub 的仓库中进行 GitHub Pages 的相关设定。进入仓库,打开Setting-Pages,按照下图进行设定,

可以看到,GitHub Pages 将通过 branch 分支的docs\目录构建我们的网站。


publishDir = "docs"




git init # 初始化仓库
git remote add origin https://github.com/{your_username}/{your_username}.github.io.git # 修改为自己仓库的路径
git add .
git commit -m "update"
git push origin main # 直接用 git push 会失败,以后还是尽量要指定分支

接着,经过大概 5 分钟左右的等待之后,你就可以通过访问xxx.github.io(这个网址第一次最好还是在上图所示中的Visit Site来获得,毕竟有时候你可能不知道自己设置的网址是否和你期待的一样)来查看你的网站。

这时候其实还没有完成,你会发现点开其中任何一个链接都会超链接失败,显示404 Page Not Found,因此我们需要复制最开始的网址,将它替换掉config.tomlbaseURL = "https://example.com"这一句里面的网址,重新执行hugo生成静态文件,推送代码上去才可以看到我们网站完整的效果。


浅谈我为什么从 HEXO 迁移到 HUGO - 少数派 (sspai.com)(当时碰的坑是 GitHub Pages 没有设置对,没有弄清楚 GitHub Pages 的原理,看到这篇文章解决了,发布了第一个以 coder 为主题的网站)

Hugo + GitHub Action,搭建你的博客自动发布系统 · Pseudoyu(现在用的主题 den 和这篇文章的作者一样,Pseudoyu 是一位热爱博客的博主,你可以在他的网站里面学习更多自定义博客的知识,以及发掘博客的乐趣,后面笔者很多问题都是 Pseudoyu 帮我解决的。这篇文章主要参考的是主题的配置以及 GitHub Action 自动部署)